Von on Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2017
Kategorie: Primordial Sound Meditation

15 Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation is a form of brain exercise. It is not that much different than exercises you do for your body muscles. But instead of working on your biceps and triceps, you are working on your peace of mind.

Meditation is a broad term, and it includes different techniques. However, all these techniques are concentrated on reaching deep relaxation and focusing on only one thing. It may sound easy, but it's quite hard to be honest.

More and more people suffer from anxiety and they have trouble with sleeping, all because they cannot calm their mind. Meditation is beneficial to human health because it relieves the tension, which causes numerous health problems. If you decided to find your inner peace, this list can help you begin!

Tip 1 - Formal Practice

Let meditation be your formal practice during the day. Many people try to meditate, but unfortunately, they give up soon because they don’t take their wellbeing so seriously.

The best way to make meditation a part of your life is to set aside specific time during the day just for meditating. Have in mind that you can meditate whenever you want, but try to find the most peaceful moments during the day in order to avoid all distractions.

Tip 2 - Focusing on your Breathe

The easiest meditation technique to begin with is focusing on your breathing. Some people count their breaths and others repeat sounds like [Omm].

If you choose to focus on your breathing, try to feel the cold air entering your nostrils. You can imagine how fresh air enters your body and relaxes all muscles. While exhaling, try to focus on warm air coming out of your body, together with all bad things and stress you experienced.

Tip 3 - Stretching your Body

Try to stretch before meditating. Stretching loosens your muscles, and it allows you to sit more comfortably. When it comes to meditating, one of the most important things is to be relaxed and stretching can help you a lot.

Also, stretching brings your attention to the body, which is one of the goals in meditation. Instead of focusing on everything around you, you focus on how you feel in your own body.

Tip 4 - An Active Process

Beginners often think that meditation is similar to daydreaming or sleeping. The truth is completely opposite.

Meditation is an active process. By focusing only on one thing, you are constantly trying to calm your mind and not to think about washing the dishes or your plans for the future. However, do not get frustrated if you catch yourself thinking about those dishes again. Meditation is all about beginning all over again.

Tip 5 - Getting in Touch

Another [mistake] beginners make is thinking that meditation is actually running away from your problems. Meditation is all about making space in your mind for solving those problems more efficiently.

So don’t run away from that frustration that creeps up on you while meditating. If you have troubles to quiet your mind, don’t blame yourself. Just focus again on your breath, and you will feel how the frustration goes away.

Tip 6 - Body Positions

Don’t think that there is only one position for meditating. One of the best things about being a beginner is to try all kinds of mediation types until you find the one that suits you best.

This means you don’t have to cross your legs if you’re not too flexible. You can try meditating while sitting on a chair (a stable one, not the one with wheels), lying on the floor, with eyes closed, eyes open…

Tip 7 - Feel your Body Parts

Try to feel your body parts. We already mentioned focusing on your body instead on the chaos around you.

Best recommendation is to take notice of your body parts when you start meditating and when you start to feel more relaxed and focused. Start from your feet and then slowly move up the body. Include your internal organs, as well. This is a healthy indicator that you are doing everything right.

Tip 8 - Assign a Room or Place

The best way to practice meditation every day, is to pick a specific room or place in your home only for meditation purposes. It can be a part of any room, as long as you find it calming and comfortable.

Keep it clean, and try not leave other stuff there. Think about it as your personal relaxation spot which is off limits to everything else. This is the place you will visit every day in order to find your peace, so keep it simple.

Tip 9 - Inform Yourself

Have in mind that meditation has been practiced for centuries. There are many things we will never find out about it, unless we leave everything and go live in Tibet.

Of course, you don’t have to dedicate your life to meditation in order to feel relaxed and less anxious. You should just read a few books so you can understand better the whole [meditation philosophy]. Also, the more you know, the more motivated you will feel.

Tip 10 - Life Long Practice

Meditation is a life-long practice. So don’t obsess with everyday results of your meditation as a beginner. One of the great things about meditation is to learn how to let things go.

So learn how to let go of examining  the results of daily meditation. You should just do it every day and experience the peace and calm of your mind. And don’t worry about the results, you will feel them when the time comes.

Tip 11 - Live in the Moment

Do you sometimes feel like you live in the past or in the future? When we are too anxious, we tend to obsess with things like future plans or mistakes we made in the past. Instead of doing this, try to generate moments of awareness during the day.

Just be present in the moment you are living in. Be aware of the weather, of sounds and try to focus on things that surround you, without judging them.

Tip 12 - Secure your Time

Secure your time for mindfulness. In other words- make sure nobody will disturb you while you meditate. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is not insuring their place for meditation.

Tip 13 - Use a Candle

There is a reason why you saw all those pictures with people meditating in front of candles. Meditating with your eyes closed can be quite a challenge for a beginner.

For starters, you can fall asleep, and SLEEPING IS NOT MEDITATING. Meditating can make your sleep easier, but it doesn’t count if you fall asleep while actually meditating. So light a candle and focus on its glow in order to make your attention stronger.

Tip 14 - Early Morning

We already mentioned that you can meditate whenever you feel like it. However, the best way to start your day is to meditate. So try meditating early in the morning, because this is an ideal time to find your peacefulness.

Firstly, an early morning is always quieter than the other parts of the day. Also, your mind is still fresh, you don’t feel exhausted. And finally, there is less chance that someone will disturb you.

Tip 15 - Meditate in a Group

Try meditating in a group! Think about it as a part of your meditation experiment: maybe you will find this kind of meditating the most suitable for you.

Also, meditating with a loved one can be extremely beneficial for you and it can make you love meditating even more. Keep in mind that meditating with someone you love can be tricky, so be sure to set some rules before you begin.